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October 2, 2018


Sharing Lena's Story as a Project Coordinator in Killarney National Park:

First Priority: Having Fun – VSI International Volunteer Project Killarney National Park (2018) 

Lena Schneider volunteered as an International Volunteer Project Coordinator with VSI in Killarney this July. Read her story and get inspired - we'll run the same projects next year and we will be looking for coordinators again! 

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Working together with SCI and VSI Ireland was the perfect opportunity for me to come back and visit the magical place that is Killarney National Park. The park comprises of 10.000 hectares which include three stunning lakes and some of the oldest oak woodlands in Ireland. The combination of mountains, woodlands and waterways gives this place a magical feeling and losing the time is as easy as feeling deeply relaxed. Being an ecologist and biologist, the sight of rare plants and animals are some of the many highlights that make these workcamp stays in the national park so special.

The sight of moss-covered stones and trees gives me the feeling of being in a Harry Potter or a Lord of the Rings movie. The park has the largest of only three remaining natural Yew woodlands in Europe and with each visit to Reenadinna one is left with a feeling of enchantment. Contuinue reading here.