Lead the Scene and Keep it Green: Online Project with SCI Catalunya

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March 24, 2021


“Lead the scene and keep it green! – Think responsible, act sustainable” 

Lead the Scene and Keep it Green: Online Project 

*This project is now full* 


Project dates: 

Thursday 15th April 2021

Friday 16th April 2021

Thursday 22nd April 2021 

Friday 23rd April 2021

Volunteers needed: 2 



Description: Promoting global justice, equality and peace within the oppressed groups of the society and mutual understanding is one of the main focuses of SCI Catalunya. The aim of this online project is to create a space where volunteers can become more aware of the importance and impact of sustainability in their lives. Throughout the sessions the organisers of the project and the volunteers will be discussing different aspects of their daily lives and how everyone has the choice to make a positive impact and be more environmentally friendly in regards to food, fashion, cosmetics and more. They will dive deeper into responsible and conscious ways of consumption, both at an individual and collective level while creating the frame for discussions and future change!

This is a learning/sharing project, so they encourage everyone to share their knowledge and ideas and participate actively in this learning process. 

Type of Work: The project will involve being online for 2 days per week (Thursday and Friday), starting in the afternoon, either 2pm or 3pm GMT with a video call to start the day together with some online dynamics. In total, the online project will take no more than 2 hours per day, 2 days per week during 2 weeks. The organisers have planned it as an interactive online study project about sustainability. The participants might be asked to do different tasks in their household and/or outside which will consist in implementing the knowledge obtained from the sessions, exercises and debates.

Study Theme: This online project will help participants get more into the topics of sustainability, environmental justice, fast and slow sustainable fashion, cosmetics, impact on local communities and sustainable living options. The project will be organized through non-formal education activities such as activism, short videos, group discussions and creative workshops.

Time Commitment: There will be maximum of two hours of zoom every day of the project (just two days per week during two weeks). The times for the zoom sessions will be finalised closer to the start of the project and will be agreed between participants to accommodate all participants’ time zones.

English: Conversational skills are required.

Availability: Please note that there is limited availability for online projects, so we allocate these places on a first come, first served basis.


  • You'll need a laptop, camera and microphone and good internet connection for the project.
  • Finally, you'll need to fill out the application form below.

Apply now button


If you have any questions about the project please contact incoming@scicat.org